• Automate your trading, manage your portfolio, and process market signals with Alera.


    To make algorithmic trading accessible to every trader through cutting edge technology that is intuitive, integrated, and reliable.

    • Portfolio
      Diversify by managing a large number of small positions.
    • Signals
      Aggregate and manage signals from multiple market signal providers.
    • Automation
      Improve your trading by making it more consistent and reliable.
    • Software
      Fully automated trading algorithms built to your specifications.


    Alera Portfolio Manager

    The Alera Portfolio Manager (APM) provides traders a way to automate their trading systems by processing trade signals and/or stock screeners. These trade signals can be created by the users themselves or be pulled from online providers.

    APM gives users full control over how they would like to manage their position sizing, risk, and trading strategies. Traders now have the ability to improve the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of their trading through a software that ensures consistent and reliable portfolio management.

    Contact Us

    If you're a trader who is looking to implement your trading system or someone looking for an execution platform capable of auto-trading market signals, please contact us at contact@aleratrading.com