11-04-2018, 07:21 PM
Stock Screeners
Stock screeners provide a different approach to handling your portfolio. The idea is that you want to evaluate stocks based on certain criteria (ranking) and only hold X stocks in your portfolio based on their rank. To create a stock screener, simply select the File Screener, the Google Drive Screener or the Finviz Screener.
Note that the stock screener only places Market, Market on Close or Market on Open orders, so be aware of the potential issues with such orders. It is possible to prevent some of the issues with the Protect Market Orders field, which is explained in the Strategies Guide.
Number of Stocks
The Number of Stocks field allows you to select how many positions you would like to hold in your portfolio. APM will always try to maintain this number of stocks by taking in consideration the current positions, the sell orders and then filling the open spots. However, if the Number of Stocks is decreased, then APM will not automatically sell stocks at random, it will instead wait for them fall out of the screener (as per the selection mode below).
Selection Mode
The Selection Mode allows you to specify how you would like to process the screener.
Keep Only First
Similar to regular signal files, a screener file must end have one of the supported extensions (.sig, .sig.txt, .sig.csv) and be placed in the folder specified at the bottom right of the APM.
A screener signal in a .sig.txt file must have the following format:
An example screener file for the modes Keep Only First and Prioritize First would be:
An example screener file for the Dual Screener mode would be:
Note that SELL actions will be ignored unless the Dual Screener mode is being used.
Web Screeners
Currently, users can create screeners using finviz and process the stocks in that screener with the same modes as the file screener.
Simply copy the URL for the screener you would like to use into the Buy URL field (and the Sell URL field for the Dual Screener).
Stock screeners provide a different approach to handling your portfolio. The idea is that you want to evaluate stocks based on certain criteria (ranking) and only hold X stocks in your portfolio based on their rank. To create a stock screener, simply select the File Screener, the Google Drive Screener or the Finviz Screener.
Note that the stock screener only places Market, Market on Close or Market on Open orders, so be aware of the potential issues with such orders. It is possible to prevent some of the issues with the Protect Market Orders field, which is explained in the Strategies Guide.
Number of Stocks
The Number of Stocks field allows you to select how many positions you would like to hold in your portfolio. APM will always try to maintain this number of stocks by taking in consideration the current positions, the sell orders and then filling the open spots. However, if the Number of Stocks is decreased, then APM will not automatically sell stocks at random, it will instead wait for them fall out of the screener (as per the selection mode below).
Selection Mode
The Selection Mode allows you to specify how you would like to process the screener.
Keep Only First
- This mode will only hold only the first X stocks in the screener and sell the rest (X is number of stocks you specified in the Number of Stocks field)
- This mode will prioritize the top stocks in the screener. It will only sell stocks if they fall completely out of the screener, rather than out of the top X stocks like the Keep Only First mode.
- This mode allows users to provide a different set of criteria for entering and exiting positions (e.g. enter on an oversold condition and exit on overbought)
- A stock will only be sold if the screener explicitly states it
Similar to regular signal files, a screener file must end have one of the supported extensions (.sig, .sig.txt, .sig.csv) and be placed in the folder specified at the bottom right of the APM.
A screener signal in a .sig.txt file must have the following format:
[BUY/SELL] [Ticker]
An example screener file for the modes Keep Only First and Prioritize First would be:
An example screener file for the Dual Screener mode would be:
Note that SELL actions will be ignored unless the Dual Screener mode is being used.
Web Screeners
Currently, users can create screeners using finviz and process the stocks in that screener with the same modes as the file screener.
Simply copy the URL for the screener you would like to use into the Buy URL field (and the Sell URL field for the Dual Screener).