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Delayed Signals
Delayed Signals
Delayed Signals allow you to specify when you want a signal to be processed by APM.

Before reading ahead, make sure you have read the Stock Signals tutorial.

A delayed signal is specified by writing AFTER <date> in the signal. The date is formatted as YYYYMMdd hh:mm:ss zzz where zzz is the timezone e.g. 20200108 15:30:00 EST. This is the exact same as the format for GTD (Good Til' Date) orders.

Here are some sample signals
LONG SPY AFTER 20210601 10:00:00 EST
CLOSE AAPL LMT 400 AFTER 20210601 13:00:00 EST
RSN IBM ID 100 AFTER 20210601 13:00:00 PST

Important Notes
  • Any signal can be delayed.
  • You can only have one delayed signal stored at time per ticker. If you place a second delayed signal for the same ticker, it will override the existing one.
  • To cancel a delayed signal, simply write AFTER 0 instead of a date. The Action in the signal doesn't matter. For example,
    will cancel an existing delayed signal.
  • Delayed signals can be placed in a strategy for a ticker even if the ticker is not owned by the strategy. At the time that the delayed signal triggers, the signal will be processed as usual.
  • Delayed signals that are not owned by a strategy will show up with the exposure ORPHAN or STR_{ID} in your portfolio tab. This is to indicate whether the ticker is currently orphaned or belongs to a strategy with the id {ID}. The current quantity is also displayed.
  • Delayed signals are highlighted in orange in your portfolio tab.
  • For CSV files the column name you need to use is AFTERDATE. Note that in this column you only need the date and not the keyword AFTER before the date.

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Delayed Signals - by admin - 06-17-2021, 03:01 PM

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