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Reset Equity Chart
Is there a way to reset the chart that tracks the equity of the system? I don't mind even if I have to edit something in a particular file but it would be easier than starting a new system because you wanted to start a new equity chart.
The file StrategyStats.db in the <account>/databases folder stores all your performance history. You can use something like to edit the database -- you would just need to delete data before a certain data in the StrategyAllocations table (or you may need to edit all the tables to remove data before a specific date).

If you want to completely reset everything, then delete (or rename) the database file.
    That worked as you said. For the benefit or others who want to try it, I downloaded DB Browser, then under AleraWorkspace/yourname/databases/strategyStats.db and then as shown in the screen capture here, selected the Browse Data tab, then StrategyAllocations and sorted the data by the system number and deleted the dates I wanted to remove.

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